The stats tell us that we have been involved in the build and derig at Reading since 2004.
In that time we have provided 1168 crew led by 192 Crew Chiefs who have criss-crossed the site on 1542 man days. Yes that over 4 years! What the hell were they doing??
But the stats don’t tell you everything.
We are now responsible for the build and rig of 9 out of the 10 stages on site and all the associated disciplines and technical aspects that go with them. These include, the ground rigging, all lighting and sound (who said we were just muscle?), cable running and management, control desks and full back line installation (who said we were just a conference company?), indoor and outdoor screens and crowd barrier layout.
As festival rigs go, we love it. It’s brilliantly managed, everyone knows what has to be done and when it needs to be done. Consequently, it is a great vibe on site and when we ask for contenders to work on the festival team everyone takes a step forward!
We support over 70 festivals each year and Reading is undoubtedly one of the best.