Meet the Team: Interview with Daniel Jesson, Operations Coordinator – Regions - textSectionComponent

Welcome to our next instalment of the ‘Meet the Team’ series.

At Gallowglass, our dedicated team members are the heart of our operations, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Today, we’re pleased to introduce you to one of our regional Operations Coordinators Daniel Jesson. With a diverse background and a wealth of experience, Daniel brings a unique perspective and dedication to his role. Let’s dive in and get to know more about his journey and daily life at Gallowglass.

1. How long have you worked at Gallowglass?

I have been working for Gallowglass since June 2017. Starting as a PBC and began working my way through the ranks to Operations Coordinator.

2. What was your first day working at Gallowglass like?

My First day working for Gallowglass was laying temporary flooring for The Wonderful Crazy Night Tour by Elton John.

3. What was your experience before joining the Gallowglass team?

I started working in recording studios and venues around Birmingham when I was 17, which provided me with early opportunities that many others wouldn't have. From working on local festivals to hosting my own events, I was able to build a strong network of people around me. This growth and expansion, along with building a reputation for artist development, led to the establishment of my record label in January 2017.

Before I joined Gallowglass, and alongside my music venture, I worked as a logistics operative. I was predominantly in charge of all inbound and outbound goods. My other responsibilities included overseeing the yard to ensure it was tidy and free of general waste and debris, ensuring safety for both pedestrians and vehicles.

4. Describe a typical day in your job.

I usually begin my day standing, waiting for the coffee machine to kick in.

I look at the jobs scheduled for the day to get an idea of which crew members should be around for phone calls and who will be working. Then, I check my emails and text messages from the crew, addressing any issues that may have occurred overnight. After that, I start looking at upcoming jobs for the next seven days and begin working on crew allocation. I check which crew members are available and send out shift offer text messages so they can confirm whether they can work.

Once the week's schedule is filled, I turn to the incoming emails and start processing new requests, generating quotes, and handling confirmed ones. I also periodically monitor the shift allocations to ensure no one has rejected a shift and that any rejections are promptly addressed. If there is an outstanding shift offer and I know the person is working that day, I tend to drop them a quick text or call and assign them the shift while they are on the phone.

5. If your colleagues could describe you in three words, what would they be?

Pro-active, determined, and unique.

6. Do you enjoy any hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy socializing with friends and family at the football, along with a passion for everything music industry.

7. What do you enjoy most about working for Gallowglass?

What I enjoy most is the vast variety of tasks and events we work on. There is always something new, whether it's a venue, a setup, or a client interaction. Each day brings a different set of tasks. I enjoy the constant flow of hustle between crew and client communications.

8. Tell us a funny story from your experiences during your time at Gallowglass?

I don’t have a funny story from my time at Gallowglass that I can remember. Just those first moments of awe when you get to see something from a very rare perspective. Whether it's hearing one of your favourite songs while standing in front of the stage at Download Festival, walking onto the pitch at Villa Park, or watching a film that you've been a part of. The funny moments on shift are made by the crew you have around you.

It's always exciting to hear about the experiences and unique journeys that bring our team members to Gallowglass. Daniel's story is a testament to the dedication and dynamic spirit that defines our crew. If you are interested in hiring Gallowglass event crew, or you would like to join the crew, please don’t hesitate and get in contact with us now!

We look forward to continuing to bring you behind-the-scenes insights and stories from the incredible people at Gallowglass. Stay tuned for more!

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Conor Hourihan

Business Development Manager, Gallowglass Group Posted on 17 May 2024
About the author
A Music Production graduate, Conor has spent the last 19 years in customer service roles. Joining Gallowglass initially as a Crewman, his talent for gaining clients' trust and forming lasting relationships, made him a shoo-in for our business development and marketing team. When he's not liaising with clients, Conor is our visuals expert - overseeing video content and imagery for our website, app and new vehicle and uniform branding.
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